Friday 23 October 2009

More ranting

I have been reading one of the enteries my friend J put on her blog in august about gender issues, and am going to write something about it myself in the 10 min or so i have left of work.

J mentions the consept of the 'feminine' and of course its supposed opposite 'masculine', of course both of these things are purely constructed from the society one grows up in. What I am about to say is contradictory to most of my views as I favore nature over nuture, but when it comes to gender identity, the masculine and feminine are both a result of the constructedness, we are what society thinks we should be and therefore what most of us are.

Essentially there is no such thing as essentialism (well in my opinion). It was Roussous idea that all humans are born a blank slate and are then stained by the influenses and expectations put upon us by external sourses.

and i am going to miss my train so have to go, but if i remember i started this i might continue it.
