Tuesday 13 December 2011

A Lesson in The Non-Sequitur

2:14:49 PM] Thais: boo

2:22:33 PM] *** Thais sent

2:44:42 PM] Jirair: the problem with your ship is that it wouldn't be nearly drunk enough to excuse it

2:45:06 PM] Thais: :P

2:45:08 PM] Thais: call?

2:45:27 PM] Jirair: gonna find some lunch first

2:45:58 PM] Thais: :P talk in a bit then

2:50:43 PM] Jirair: da

2:50:53 PM] *** Call from Jirair ***

2:52:07 PM] Thais: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUYnECca8LU

3:13:00 PM] *** Conference call ***

3:13:00 PM] *** Thais added Oxxy ***

3:37:37 PM] *** Oxxy sent EnviroBear2000.rar ***

3:49:13 PM] Jirair: Kit enjoys lots of strange things, ducttape bondage, wearing panties, Sym, ect...

3:52:11 PM] Thais: cause jensen finally accepts that he's a werewolf and said i love you to jared!

Thais: haha yay!!

Thais: its very good

Kit: i know!

Kit: its fluffy

Thais: it is!!!

Thais: fluffy!

Kit: i like fluffy

Kit: sym couldn't pry me away last night XD

Thais: haha

Thais: oh dear

4:08:39 PM] Jirair: on the plus side dads doing something with epoxy filler, so hes probably a little high on the fumes. he'll probably just assume he misheard

4:23:41 PM] Oxxy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrqxR2LZBNA&feature=autoplay&list=AVGxdCwVVULXdva4XbnPoqA7emI9bXzebN&lf=list_related&playnext=3

4:30:59 PM] Oxxy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4kVWDldBUQ&feature=autoplay&list=AVGxdCwVVULXdva4XbnPoqA7emI9bXzebN&lf=list_related&playnext=1

4:38:31 PM] Oxxy: http://wellthatsadorable.com/post/725760186/hippobabymama

4:39:28 PM] *** Oxxy sent

4:57:34 PM] *** Thais added Kit ***

4:57:45 PM] *** Thais added Sym ***

5:05:31 PM | Removed by Thais, 5:05:39 PM] Kit: This message has been removed.

5:08:01 PM] Oxxy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChgvPTVpbzs&feature=related

6:05:24 PM] *** Sym sent

6:35:30 PM] Oxxy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=l6BlH-


7:28:28 PM] Kit: thaaaaaais

7:28:39 PM] Thais: yesssss

7:28:44 PM] Kit: why hold?

7:28:51 PM] Thais: ...

7:29:02 PM] Jirair: LoL

7:29:08 PM] Thais: because you two are making me want to kill lol

7:29:18 PM] Kit: Kit hugs the Thais

7:29:21 PM] Kit: apologies

7:29:25 PM] Kit: its our bonding time

7:29:26 PM] Thais: internet murder on a global scale

7:33:30 PM] Kit: unmute

7:33:32 PM] Kit: we are done

8:09:42 PM] Oxxy: herro?

8:17:34 PM] *** Oxxy sent

8:53:14 PM | Removed 8:54:10 PM] Kit: This message has been removed.

8:53:46 PM | Removed by Jirair, 8:54:10 PM] Kit: This message has been removed.

9:21:40 PM] Kit: http://e621.net/post/show/129871/2010-alien-bioware-breasts-commander_shepard-fanar

9:24:58 PM] Thais: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ve1X9zSloiU

10:08:15 PM] Thais: http://tinyurl.com/6vodaee

11:25:32 PM] Jirair: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/


[12:08:53 AM] Oxxy: http://www.buzzfeed.com/sigmund/the-11-bestworst-vagina-tattoos-of-all-time-do-n

[12:13:18 AM] Oxxy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFA-rOls8YA&feature=related

[12:16:00 AM] Oxxy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZsKqbt3gQ0&feature=relmfu

[12:20:53 AM] Thais: http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_337007&src_vid=UcTLJ692F70&feature=iv&v=WA4tLCGcTG4

[12:32:59 AM] Jirair: http://imago.hitherby.com/2004/02/a-story-with-marketable-action-figures/

[12:35:29 AM] Jirair: http://imago.hitherby.com/2004/01/gandalfs-secret/

[1:07:15 AM] Jirair: It is usually quite surprising when someone sticks a fundamental

building block of reality inside you. You will just be driving along, or

whatever, when suddenly BAM, you’re Storms. Or Fire. Computers.

Dogs. Backsies†. Fleece. Or Love.

[1:11:42 AM] Oxxy: http://thisistheverge.tumblr.com/post/14103212970/star-trek-tng-ambient-engine-noise-idling-for-24

[1:20:53 AM] Oxxy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JnkMyfQ5YfY

[1:46:32 AM] Jirair: The creature hesitates a long moment, then shrugs. A bony finger taps the seat belt. Sparky buckles up. The car starts again. He drives. “Los Angeles,” says the Witch-King of Angmar. “We are going to Los Angeles.”

[1:50:22 AM] Jirair: The Witch-King sighs. “It’s not like that,” he says. “We had something real. She . . . didn’t have to hang out with me. She couldn’t eat me. I don’t have any good meat.”

Quietly, he sings.

You came and you gave without takin’

But I sent you away, oh Shelob,

You kissed me and stopped me from shakin’

And I need you today, oh Shelob

“She kissed you and stopped you from shakin’?”

“Yah,” he says, lost in memory. “She used a paralytic venom.”


He smiles.

“Wait,” Sparky says. “Just where did you two kiss?!”

[1:55:27 AM] Thais: [01:53:15] Poor innocent: haha

[01:53:24] Poor innocent: can u hear the froggong rain?

[01:53:46] Thais: what is froggong?

[01:54:38] Poor innocent: frigging******8

[01:54:58] Poor innocent: i genuinely googled it then and i realised id written it myself :\

[01:55:03]Poor innocent: i need sleep haha

[01:55:14] Thais: haha

[1:58:34 AM] Thais: The act of downloading a video from youtube or another video site and then posting it again from your own account, often in lower quality and with annoying music in the background.

The reason why froggers do this is unkown, although it is possibly to increase hits to their account or because they gain pleasure from annoying people. A large amount of frogging has been traced to mainland china.

[2:15:24 AM] Thais: odd thing with my stuff is that i have now developed an irreversible shoulder blade kink due to bloody wing!porn

[2:22:26 AM] Jirair: http://www.xkcd.com/

[3:34:57 AM] Thais: http://tinyurl.com/c4pw5u4

[3:35:18 AM] Thais: ‘That is not a dog, that is a beast from the ninth circle of hell. Demon Dog!’ Chad yelled out

[3:52:11 AM] Jirair: fortunately you're not as weird as this lot, there are whole freaky cults, obscure chemical processes and several small planets out there less weird than this lot

[4:06:57 AM] Thais: I’m sorry I am still trying to come to grips with the fact that I am either insane or the dog that I have been taking care of for two months now just turned into a man in front of me.’

‘I know this is heard but I want to explain it.’

‘What is there to explain? Who does stuff like this? What answers are there for this? I’m crazy. I’m insane. I am going to have to sit in a rocker chair and eat green jello for the rest of my life.’ Jared started talking animatedly to himself completely shutting down and shutting Jensen out of the conversation.

[4:08:00 AM | Thais: Jared normally didn’t keep alcohol in the house but there was a nice bottle of Jim Bean in the back of his cupboard and it had his name on it tonight. He felt vindicated for it I mean how many people had to deal with their dogs turning into nude men over night?

[4:14:13 AM] *** Call ended, duration 13:01:14 ***

[15:56:59] Sym: http://www.megatokyo.com/scr33n/scr33n_2009-09-14_12726.png

[15:57:02] Sym: thinking cap of cute